Upgrade energy label
From 2023, an office building can no longer be used as such if it does not have at least energy label C. This regulation has been included in the Building Decree (art. 5.11) and is applicalbe to office buildings larger than 100 square metres. Energy label C refers to an Energy Index of 1.3 max. The lower the index, the greener the label.
Energy label A represents energy efficiency, however this is only relative. The EU agreed all buildings have to be climate neutral in 2050; energy label A only gets you half way up that scale and is compulsary from 2030 onwards. Enery costs for an average office building amount to half of its service charges, even though the bandwidth is high. Cost savings as a result of measurements to improve energy efficiency can be seen as a budget for necessary investments.
Measurements as described in our green management of climate installations concept and in sustaining water systems and installations not only prolong the installation’s lifespan, but are also a big step towards sustainability and energy label C, and even towards energy label A!
Invest now and you will see a return of investment within a few years!